AdvisorY GROUP
We are proud to have the support of this incredible group of people
Emeritus Professor Jorgen Randers
Founding Member
Jorgen Randers (born 1945) is professor emeritus of climate strategy at the BI Norwegian Business School, where he works on climate and energy issues, scenario analysis and system dynamics. He spends much of his time lecturing and advising all over the world on these and other sustainable development issues, for both corporate and non-corporate audiences.
He has spent one third of his life in academia, one third in business, and one third in the NGO world. He was president of BI Norwegian Business School 1981-89, and Deputy Director General of WWF International 1994-99. He has been the chair of three Norwegian banks, non-executive member of numerous corporate boards, and served on the sustainability council of three multinationals. He is a full member of the Club of Rome.
He coauthored The Limits to Growth in 1972; wrote 2052 – A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years in 2012, and the follow up solutions book Reinventing Prosperity with Graeme Maxton in 2016.He has written numerous papers.
Emeritus Professor Will Steffen
Founding Member
Sadly Will Steffen passed away in 2023. We would like to acknowledge his contribution not only as a founding member and science advisor to the Planetary Network but also for his seminal work in Planetary Boundaries which underpins everything we do.
Will was an Earth System scientist. While working with PAN he was a Councillor on the publicly-funded Climate Council of Australia that delivers independent expert information about climate change, an Emeritus Professor at the Australian National University (ANU); Canberra, a Senior Fellow at the Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden; and a Fellow at the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, Stockholm. He was also an Adjunct Professor at the University of Canberra, working with the Canberra Urban and Regional Futures (CURF) program, and a member of the ACT Climate Change Council. He was chair of the jury for the Volvo Environment Prize; a member of the International Advisory Board for the Centre for Collective Action Research, Gothenburg University, Sweden; and a member of the Anthropocene Working Group of the Sub-committee on Quaternary Stratigraphy.
From 1998 to mid-2004, Steffen served as Executive Director of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, based in Stockholm, Sweden. His research interests span a broad range within the fields of climate and Earth System science, with an emphasis on incorporation of human processes in Earth System modelling and analysis; and on sustainability and climate change.
Distinguished Professor Peter Newman
Founding Member
Peter Newman is the Professor of Sustainability at Curtin University. He sat on the Board of Infrastructure Australia and is a Lead Author for Transport on the IPCC. His books include ‘Green Urbanism in Asia’ (2013), ‘Resilient Cities: Responding to Peak Oil and Climate Change’(2009), ‘Green Urbanism Down Under’ (2009) and 'Sustainability and Cities: Overcoming Automobile Dependence' with Jeff Kenworthy which was launched in the White House in 1999. In 2001-3 Peter directed the production of Western Australia’s Sustainability Strategy in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet.
In 2004-5 he was a Sustainability Commissioner in Sydney advising the government on planning and transport issues. In 2006/7 he was a Fulbright Senior Scholar at the University of Virginia Charlottesville. In 2011 Peter was awarded the Sidney Luker medal by the Planning Institute of Australia (NSW) for his contribution to the science and practice of town planning in Australia and in 2014 he was awarded an Order of Australia for his contributions to urban design and sustainable transport, particularly related to the saving and rebuilding of Perth’s rail system. He was an elected Fremantle City Councillor from 1976-80 where he still lives.
Dr Alessandro Galli
Founding Member
Alessandro Galli is a macro ecologist, sustainability scientist, wannabe geographer, with a passion for anthropology and human behavior. He works as Senior Scientist and Mediterranean-MENA Program Director at Global Footprint Network as well as International Coordinator for the Common Home of Humanity Initiative. His research focuses on the overall human metabolism (e.g., land-use, agriculture, fisheries, energy and climate change) and how it squares with the planet’s limits.
His main interest is to contribute to and support evidence based decision-making processes via sustainability indicators and environmental accounting tools to help address the 21st century global challenge of living well within the limits of our planet. He is also intrigued by the search for a new global governance model.
Dr Paulo Magalhães
Founding Member
Paulo is a jurist and researcher at CIJE- Center for Legal and Economic Research - Faculty of Law, University of Porto, where is making a Pos-Doc in Law about the scale-up of the legal model of a condominium to the global level.
He holds a PhD in Human Ecology from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, New University of Lisbon. In 2007, published "The Earth Condominium: From Climate Change to a New Juridic Conception of the Planet". In 2016, is co-editor of the “SOS Treaty - The Safe Operating Space Treaty: A New Approach to Managing Our Use of the Earth System”. He is the Chair of the Steering Committee of the Common Home of Humanity, an International Association that will be based at the University of Porto, and proposes a new global legal construction based on new knowledge about the functioning of the Earth System.
He is a member of the Ethics Specialist Group of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law and co-founder of ELGA – Environmental Law and Governance Association. He is also co-founder and member of the General Council of the Portuguese NGO, ZERO - Sustainable Earth System Association.
Jose Viegas
Founding Member
José Viegas was Full Professor of Transportation at the University of Lisbon, where he was national Director of the Transport Area of the MIT-Portugal program (200-2012), Head of Research Unit on Transport Infrastructure, Systems and Policy (2000-2012). He was coordinator of more than a dozen research projects for the European Commission between 1995 and 2010 and a member of the High-Level Advisory Group on Sustainable Mobility appointed by UN Secretary-General Ban-Ki Moon, 2015-2016.
He was Secretary-general of the ITF (International Transport Forum at the OECD), an intergovernmental organization with 57 member countries, between August 2012 and August 2017. At the ITF he led a program of structural reform and brought it to the forefront of innovation in transport policy, strongly increasing collaboration with both the corporate and the institutional parts of the transport sector. Some ITF reports have become worldwide references in their respective domains.
He is currently a freelance consultant on Sustainable Mobility and Strategic Change.
Professor Orfeu Bertolami
Founding Member
Orfeu Bertolami is a theoretical physicist. Born in Sao Paulo, Brazil, he
earned his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics at Oxford in 1987. His research
ranges from Astrophysics to Classical and Quantum Gravity, from Space
Science to implications of Superstring Theory and more recently on physical
models of the Earth System. He is full professor in the Faculty of Sciences of
University of Porto and Director of the Physics and Astronomy Department.
He has published over 335 papers, more than 190 of which in specailized
refereed journals. He has been a consultant scientist of the European Space
Agency (ESA) and till December 2012 was a member of ESA's Galileo Science
Advisory Committee. His most recent work include the solution of
the Pioneer anomalous acceleration puzzle due to onboard thermal eects,
the development of the phase-phase non-commutative quantum mechanics,
the exhaustive study of alternative theories of gravity with non-minimal
coupling between curvature and matter, the construction of unied and interacting models of dark matter and dark energy, and more recently, on
physical models of the Earth System.
Dr Christine Eon
Founding Member
Christine Eon is a Research Fellow at the Curtin University Sustainability Policy Institute. Her research topic includes residential building sustainability, the effects of occupant practice and behaviour on building performance, energy and water efficiency and the peer-to-peer trading of energy between households. Christine’s background is in Environmental Engineering and she also has a Masters in Management and Renewable Energy. Before doing research she worked in the fields of environmental management and climate change adaptation in Brazil, Sweden, Kenya and Australia.
Professor Arjen Hoekstra
Founding Member
Sadly Arjen Hoekstra passed in 2019. We would like to acknowledge his contribution not only as a founding member of the Planetary Network but also for his work around water-food-energy and sustainability.
Arjen Hoekstra was a Professor in Water Management at the University of Twente, the Netherlands, and Visiting Professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore. He held an MSc degree, cum laude, in Civil Engineering and a PhD degree in Policy Analysis; both from Delft University of Technology. Hoekstra lived in Europe, Asia and Africa and had a broad international network. He led a variety of interdisciplinary research projects and advised governments, civil society organizations, companies and multilateral institutions like UNESCO and the World Bank.
Arjen was the founder and chair of the supervisory board of Water Footprint Network.