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Professional Development
Online sustainability courses

The Planetary Accounting network offers a range of online courses on climate change, environmental limits, Planetary Boundaries, and Planetary Accounting. Our sustainability courses range from entry-level/foundational modules through to an intensive 80 hour/6-month practical course. These courses are available to our members at a discount (*see Membership Benefits Table) or can be purchased by non-members at the rates listed under each Level. All proceeds from these courses contribute to our purpose - to help people, organisations, and governments to operate within the Planetary Boundaries. 

Planet Made of Plastic

Level 1

Planetary Accounting Champion

Level 2

Level 3

Planetary Accounting Steward
Planetary Accounting Practitioner


By the end of the course participants will have a high-level understanding of climate science, Planetary Boundaries, Planetary Accounting and other global frameworks; and be able to articulate the business case for environmental action beyond carbon.

By the end of the course participants will have a deeper understanding of topics covered in Level 1; will be familiar with key international publications; and will be able to leverage Planetary Accounting to enable change within their organisation.

Undertake Planetary Accounting Assessments in-house or offer Planetary Accounting services to others.


  • Kia Mua Kia Muri -

    • Geological Context for Climate Change

  • A Safe Operating Space

    • An introduction to the Planetary Boundaries

  • The science of climate change

    • A toolkit to respond to climate deniers​

  • A prescription for a healthy planet

    • An introduction to Planetary Accounting​

  • The value of science

    • The business case for science-based sustainability

  • Sustainability frameworks demystified.

    • SDGs to Circular Economy



$150 for full course

$180 for course & assessment


  • An exploration of Planetary Limits

  • Applying the Planetary Boundaries

  • Key global publications - Part 1

  • Metrics Matter

  • Planetary Accounting - unpacked

  • Planetary Accounting Metrics

  • The Earth as a System

  • Science-based targets

  • Key global publications - Part 2

  • Planetary Accounting for Products

  • Planetary Accounting for Regions

  • Planetary Accounting for Corporates







$500 for full course

$550 for course & assessment *Drop-in sessions available for full course or course & assessment only


  • A deep dive into Planetary Boundaries

  • Unpacking the Planetary Accounting metrics

  • Data needs and limitations

  • Analysis of key frameworks and key publications 

  • The business case for sustainability

  • Applying Planetary Accounting:

    • Planetary Facts

    • PARCs

    • Nature-related Disclosures

    • Planetary Science-based Targets





$5,000 for full course and assessment *Enquire now about opportunities to join our first cohort at 20% off

Consulting Support
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